We launched our Kickstarter campaign for $22,000 on Thursday, September 12.
Today is Wednesday, September 18, and we’re at $10,860.
Which rounds pretty neatly to halfway there. I think we’ll be halfway by the end of the day today. Maaaybe tomorrow.
That’s pretty incredible.
It’s been stressful launching and running this campaign. My dream of the last 3 years is at stake. And it still feels stressful, obviously - we have to raise another $11,140 for any of the donations we’ve received thus far to become real.
But, the progress we’ve made in such a short time is pretty incredible.
I think people want to see us make this film.
We’re building a community of people who are literally invested in this film and its success.
One of my friends from rehab donated to the campaign. That felt pretty awesome.
If you haven’t checked the campaign out yet, I hope you will. We have a promotional video with scenes from the film and our lead actors, the full mission and vision of the film, and all our perks. Click here.
The Kickstarter and casting are enough to keep me busy on this film for sure. It’s a balancing act right now. We have a fundraising event on September 28 as well at Austin School of Film. I’m pretty excited to connect with folks in person. If you’re in Austin, come to the event!